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About Littleton Scholarship Trust

Mission Statement

The Littleton Scholarship Trust, Inc. is a tax-exempt organization recognized under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c) (3) as a public charity. Our mission is to provide scholarships to graduates of Littleton High School, Littleton, MA and Nashoba Valley Technical High School, Westford, MA.

History of the Trust

Littleton Scholarship Trust was established in 1957. Since 1958, the Littleton Scholarship Trust (LST) has provided scholarships to eligible seniors and alumni from Littleton Senior High School and Nashoba Valley Technical High School.


With the skyrocketing costs of college education, it becomes increasingly important for students to receive the financial assistance. Thus, it is an even greater challenge to raise more money for scholarships. The Community has consistently demonstrated that investing in our youth through scholarship assistance is a sound decision.



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